Friday, September 27, 2019

Thursday, September 26, 2019

4th Grade earned their 44th Team Work Bear! Go Fourth Grade! 
You earned your pizza party!

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Week of September 24th

This week 4th grade got the opportunity to spend time with their HCA Families! HCA families came together to make a family banner show casing each "family member's" special interests and attributes!

4th Grade also did a special art project in class this week. Each student painted a canvas highlighting their first initial. Students were so creative and each canvas was authentically unique!

Newton and Einstein excitedly welcomed a new, comfy couch!  Thanks Ava!!!!!!

Friday, September 20, 2019

4th Grade Happenings!

It has been an exciting week in 4th Grade! This week, we completed a States of Matter ice experiment in science and researched Saints for a slide presentation. We also are working toward of special pizza party! Students have earned several team work bears this week!

 Go Fourth Grade!

Friday, September 13, 2019

Fourth Grade has written The Adventures of  Einstein and Newton by writing around the room. 

Students were each given the title to an adventure. Each student started the story and then every three minutes passed the story starter to another student. During the last rotation, each student wrote an ending to the story. Our finished product will be typed and coming home so that you can enjoy reading about their adventures! 

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Fourth Grade Enjoying Time on Their Chrome Books

Fourth Grade Bible Scavenger Hunt

Students had to locate passages in the Bible, read them and answer questions about it!
They did an amazing job and worked as a team! Go Fourth Grade!

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Our Class Pets Einstein and Newtown have finally arrived!

Lower School made scribble rocks after a read aloud together!

4th Grade participated in Community Time with our HCA families